Lexicalization from trans-layered structure is a lexicalized process in which two syntactic components on trans-layered structure evolve into a lexical unit. 跨层结构词汇化是指跨层结构的两个句法成分发展演变为一个词汇单位的词汇化过程,是汉语词汇形成中的一种特殊现象。
Through focusing investigation on such five aspects of "X Xing": quality character, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and the grammatical process of" X Xing", the thesis considers that "X Xing" is a special grammar form that combined lexical unit and grammar form. 总结这几个介词的语义分布情况和相应的语法格式,试图做到语法形式和意义相结合。(2)发现“X性”是一种融词汇单位、语法形式于一身的特殊语言形式。
The three-character words and phrases are an important lexical unit in the modern Chinese, so the study on the three-character words and phrases can help us realize Chinese lexicon completely. 三字词语是现代汉语词汇中极为重要的一类组合单位,对三字词语的研究与分析有助于我们对现代汉语词汇作更为全面细致的了解。
In the lexical level, sets of vowels as a unit operate on the basis of the patterns of vowel harmony and form the words. 在词音层,元音在元音和谐规则制约下成组活动,以音集为单位运作,按照元音和谐规则构成和谐词。
This kind of linguistic structure is just lexical chunk, which refers to the minimum language unit with frequent appearance in the language, and can be stored and used as a whole. 这种语言结构,即词块,是指出现频率较高,作为整体储存和使用的预制语块。
As lexical chunks possess both the characteristics of functions and grammar and get rid of the deficiency of traditional lexicons and grammar, they are considered as the most perfect language teaching unit. 由于词块兼具功能和语法于一身,摆脱了传统意义上的词汇与语法的缺点,被认为是最理想的教学单位。
Lexical chunks are stored as a whole unit in brain, which can be wholly or slightly changed to be employed by learners as prefabricated chunks. 词块以整体形式储存在大脑中,可整体或稍作修改后作为预制语块为英语学习者所应用。
As a new branch of discipline in last century, terminology stems from linguistics, or rather it derives from lexicology which is a branch of linguistics with lexical unit as object. 术语学是20世纪新兴的学科,术语学源于语言学,更确切地说,源于以词汇单位作为研究对象的语言学分支&词汇学。
Lexicalization is a process that a word from a lexical unit to a word. 词汇化是词汇单位成词的过程。
The function of lexical unit of natural language and how to realize the function are very important for the research of terminology function. 术语是在自然语言词汇单位的基础上形成的,自然语言词汇的功能及这些功能如何在言语中实现,对术语的功能研究来说具有十分重要的意义。
These research findings bear significant pedagogic implications. For example, lexical chunk should be an ideal unit of language teaching; the teacher should make use of modern teaching resources; students 'ability of autonomous learning should be one focus in future language teaching. 本文的研究结果对于英语教学有一定的启示,如词块应该作为一种理想的语言教学单位;教师应该充分利用现代化的教学资源进行教学;重点培养学生自主学习的能力。
Frame Semantics and FN use Lexical Unit to designate an English word taken in one of its meanings. 框架理论使用词汇单位来指代一个词语的一个独立意义。
The-visual features of texts could also be changed by rotating the texts while whole word shape and spatial relationship are both manipulated. Such manipulation helps with some theoretical issues such as the relationship between visual processing and lexical processing, the basic processing unit and so on. 而通过旋转来改变文本的视觉特征,可以同时操纵文字的整体形状和空间关系,有助于进一步探索视觉加工与词汇加工的关系、加工单元等理论问题。
Lexical chunk is the most ideal unit in using language. It melts grammar, meaning and context into a whole unit. 词块融语法、语义和语境为一体,是语言运用的最理想单位。
Lexical chunks, as the basic unit of language input, memory, storage and output, possess both lexical and grammatical character. 语块是语言输入、记忆、储存和输出的最小单位,集词汇和语法的特征于一身。
Proverbs is artistic statements with concise language, wealth meanings and harmony form, is a kind of lexical unit, and is widely used in spoken and written language. 谚语是一种言简意赅、形式和谐、内涵丰富的艺术语句,是一种词汇单位,被广泛运用于口语和书面语中。
A lexical chunk is a combination of grammar, semantic and context, which is considered as an ideal unit for teaching language. 它融语法、语义和语境为一体,被认为是理想的语言教学单位。
The study of lexemic scope is to study the influence sphere of lexical semantic unit in sentence semantics, and then the relationship between the semantics of each part and the whole semantics of the sentence. 研究词汇单位的辖域是研究词汇语义单位在句子语义中的作用范围,进而研究句子各个组成部分的语义与句子整体意义之间的关系。
Therefore, the author holds that teaching and learning of lexical chunks should be the ideal vocabulary teaching unit and lexical chunk teaching is a practical way to improve learners 'English proficiency, which deserves a further study and exploration. 因此,语块应成为理想的词汇教学单位,语块教学法是一条切实可行的、能有效提高学习者英语应用能力的新路子,有待于我们进一步研究和探索。
A typical natural language system treats each word as a lexical unit, but this treatment does not hold in case of MWEs for they have idiosyncratic interpretations that cross word boundaries. 经典的自然语言处理系统通常假设每个词汇为一个语义单元,这并没有包括多词表达在里而,多词表达跨越词汇边界,因而有其特殊的解读方法。
Therefore, during the process of the college English reading teaching, the teachers should pay more attention to the role of the teaching of the lexical chunks and regard the lexical chunks as the basic unit of the vocabulary. 因此,在实际大学英语阅读教学中,应该对语块教学的作用给予充分重视,将语块作为基本的词汇单位。